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Welcome to Extraordinary Productions Dance Company!! ​



ï‚· There is an annual $30 registration fee, when registering your dancer at the studio. 
o This fee will secure your dancer's spot in class for the dance season and is non-refundable
(unless class is canceled due to insufficient class numbers). 

ï‚·  Monthly tuition is due by the 1st of the month. 
o There will be a $20.00 late fee added after the 5th of each month. 
o Returned or unpaid items will be subject to a $35.00 fee.
ï‚· Tuition is based on 4 lessons per month (except for mini and summer sessions). Some months may
have 5 lessons and/or 3 lessons due to the number of days in that month or holidays/breaks. Tuition
remains the same each month, regardless of holidays/breaks. 
There are no refunds given for missed classes, inclement weather or other reasons for dancers absences.
You must give our administrative team fifteen (15) days written notice if your dancer will not be returning

to class the next month or you will be charged for that month. NO EXCEPTIONS.

ï‚· Everyone must have a debit/credit card on file. You will have until the 5th of the month to pay with a
different form of payment.  After that date automatic payments will take place. If the transaction
does not go through by the 15th of the month your child will be suspended from classes until fees
are brought up to date. Costume fees, recital fees and etc will NOT be automatically charged unless
authorized by the parent/guardian as long as your child is active at the studio.
*If your dancer leaves the studio before the end of the season any outstanding balance including
tuition, unpaid dance apparel, recital costume/fees etc., you WILL be charged via the card on file. If
you sign the recital guarantee contract (Given around November) but later remove the child for any
reason you will still be responsible for any unpaid fees outlined in your contract. *
ï‚· Acceptable Payment Options include Cash, Zelle(, Cash App
($eopdance), PayPal (, Online (card or by bank account) via Dance Studio Pro, or
Credit/Debit Card in person. 
o All credit card, Cash App, PayPal payments are subject to a 3% transaction fee. Statements are
sent out prior to the beginning of each month. (Please check your spam/junk folder if you do
not see your statement in your email.)

o Account balances must be paid through the season before costumes are released.



Monthly tuition- Varies based on classes
Recital Fee deposit- $70 (Due November 15)

Recital Fee Balance- $75-$90- Based on Size of Costume - (Due January 15)- Based off 1 costume;

Add $65-80 for each additional costume
(XSC- LC ($65)/ XLC and up $80)
Optional Studio Apparel (i.e. - sweatshirts) - Varies




- Dancers must wear appropriate dance clothes to class. A dress code ensures that the teacher will be able to
see a dancer’s mistake and properly correct body posture and technique. A dress code also teaches discipline. 
- Students must be on time and properly dressed for class. (See Dance Attire/Shoes section below)
- The instructor reserves the right to remove a disruptive student from class in order to maintain a proper
class learning environment.
- No food other than water allowed on the dance floor.



Parents are not allowed in the studio during class time.  We do not have viewing windows in the studio
because they are a huge distraction to the dancers, and this takes away from their concentration in class. 
Parent watch dates will be set by individual teachers and parents will be informed when these dates are
available.  Thank you for your cooperation. 




Good attendance is very important to each dancer’s success, as well as the progress of the class as a whole.
Please make every effort to have your child in class each week. Calling post AND/OR text will be sent out in
decent time if a class needs to be canceled for unforeseen reasons and a make-up day will be scheduled.  In
the event of a dancer falling ill, please keep them home from class in order to reduce the chance of spreading
the illness. All dancers are subject to a temperature check upon entering the studio.  If a dancer is injured,
they are encouraged to observe class. Make up classes are limited to 1 per month unless class is canceled by
the Director or a teacher for unforeseen circumstances. Please inform the studio via text at (404)202-0818 if
your child is unable to attend class on their designated day.



-Hair needs to be tied back securely during class. No jewelry allowed.  
-Everyone will need a black leotard for special performances and events.
Ages 3-5 can pick their choice of leotard outside of the black and purple.
-Ballet/Contemporary/Lyrical- Leotard (black or purple), skin tone tights and ballet shoes. 
-Jazz- Leotard (black or purple), skin tone tights and black jazz shoes.
-Tap- Leotard (black or purple), skin tone tights and black tap shoes.
-Tumbling- Black leotard or unitard (any color), for boys, t-shirt and shorts, bare feet.
-Majorette-Black leotard and black leggings or shorts, black jazz shoes
-Hip Hop- Black or white fitted shirts and black leggings or shorts (Black leotard optional)
DANCE SHOES SHOULD BE WORN INSIDE ONLY. Wearing dance shoes outside will ruin the shoe and is harmful
to the dance floor. Please put your dancer’s name in their shoes as it’s easy to get them mixed up.  
Performance and Competition Team must have Classic Strappy Back “Red” leotard for rehearsals- Purchased at
the studio for $25.




EO Productions will also be closed in the event that Cobb County implements any school cancellation or early
release due to inclement weather unless otherwise noted.  




The studio will be closed on the following Holiday/Breaks: Labor Day, Thanksgiving Break, Christmas Break,
MLK Day, and Cobb County Spring Break. 




Parents must keep informed by reading their emails on a weekly basis in order to stay up to date with the
many events/information here at Extraordinary Productions. If you are not receiving emails or your monthly
statements, please let our front office staff know.  If you change your phone number or email, please be sure
to let us know so we can update it in the system.




Each year EOP hosts an annual spring show, usually the 3rd weekend in May. This is where students get to
showcase what they have learned throughout the year. There is a $145-$160 recital fee PER CHILD based
off of size of costume needed. This fee helps pay for the cost of the venue while keeping tuition prices
reasonable and includes participation in the recital as well as a recital T-shirt, one costume, recital video
link and digital souvenir program.
Costumes are made to order; therefore, deposits are due by November 15th (unless otherwise noted) and
fees are non-refundable. If your child is in multiple classes, there is an additional $65-$80 per costume.
Dress Rehearsal for the Spring Recital is mandatory.  Please do not book vacations or other activities during
the week of the recital. Dancers who miss the rehearsal will not be allowed to participate in the recital.  You
will receive more information throughout the year!
Please stay tuned for more information regarding Extraordinary Productions Dance Company. We are glad you
are a part of our family!!


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